Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Shall be gone starting tomorrow at 10 pm (Moscow time. 8 hours ahead of DC. For those who aren'ts so good with the maths, that's 11 ahead of California). I shall be cruising the Volga looking for a Russian English Jewish Musician/Ballerino (RAHM) to husband. This expedition will last approximately 1 week (6 days and 12 hours, to be approximately precise), and on said cruise (I'll be on a boat an' going fast an') I will be without le interweb. I'm sure you're all crying softly in your lonely corners thinking "Why God? WHY? How will I get through life without Jenny's constant complaints and hilarious banter?" Fear not, dear readers! Imagine all the tales I can accumulate in an entire week on a boat with ample amounts of alcohol and boredom! And strange new places. I always do dumb/embarrassing things in strange new places. Cast your woes aside, dear readers, for I shall return with an arsenal of vignettes.

Now: Something to think about while I'm away. I know I'll be thinking about it.

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