Sunday, October 31, 2010


Her: What's your last name again, I forgot?
Me: Durina...
Her: "Oh that makes sense. You know what дура is, right?"
Me: "...как дурак" ["like durak?" Durak is an idiot...see here for great list of possible translations.|en|%D0%B4%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA]
Her: Of course like дурак. That's a good last name for you.
Me: *gasping for air from shock/laughter*

I love her.

1 comment:

  1. wtffffffff she is insane.

    however, that google translate link gives the following list, which i believe is absurdly accurate:

    1. fool
    2. idiot
    3. stupid
    4. imbecile
    5. mutt
    6. silly
    7. dope
    8. arsehole
    9. softy
    10. goof
    11. goose
    12. booby
    13. zany
    14. cuddy
    15. nitwit
    16. mutton-head
    17. sap
    18. nut
    19. jackass
    20. tomfool
    21. donkey
    22. softie
    23. dumbhead
    24. bonehead
    25. juggins
    26. pumpkin-head
    27. chump
    28. foozle
    29. blunderhead
    30. get
    31. twit
    32. flat
    33. driveller
    34. erk
    35. tom-noddy
    36. dimwit
    37. driveler
    38. lummox
    39. lack-brain
    40. saphead
    41. moke
    42. noddy
    43. pillock
    44. pinhead
    45. punk
    46. blunt
    47. berk
    48. stupe
    49. dumbbell
    50. ninny
    51. woodenhead

